Pop the confetti, we’ve got something to celebrate!!

Let me start with a little back story…
As a child I often sat in my grandparent’s den looking through old photo albums as they shared stories, introduced me to family members I never had the opportunity to meet, and laughed at the dated hairstyles and outfit choices of those in the images. My mom always had a photo album of each kid as well as family albums filled with vacations, special occasions, and day to day childhood memories. I’ve always loved sitting down and flipping through photographs that hold such precious life memories.
I’ve also always loved taking photos. I mean, at just 8 years old I saved up all my Christmas and birthday money to buy my very first camera – pink Barbie cam! You know the one…

I thought I was so cool with my very own camera that I often invited my friends over for “photoshoots” around my house. Anything and everything was a photo opportunity! Honestly, you would have thought that I had always wanted to be a photographer but that never really crossed my mind. It was just a hobby that I enjoyed with any friends or family that would let me talk them into crazy photoshoots.
Oh, if only all those prints were digitalized for you to see! Like, what even is this!?

It wasn’t until I was about 18 years old that I realized just how much I enjoyed photography (or at least my version of it ?) and became serious about making my little hobby into something more. But having just graduated high school, working a full time job, lots of personal life changes, and the expectation of college at my doorstep, it was only going to be a “side business.”
It wasn’t until halfway through my associates degree in Early Childhood Education that I realized I wasn’t actually excited for the life I was preparing myself for. I loved working with children but I didn’t really want to be a full time teacher. Nor did I really feel that college was the right path for me. So I honed in on what was important to me and what I knew I wanted for my future. I always wanted to get married and become a mom. I knew that was one thing for certain that I really did care about for my future. But what was also important to me was to have the opportunity to stay home with my kids as they grew. However, I know the financial stress and weight that can put on a husband and I wanted to be able to take some of that weight off my (future) husband while still being able to be home with my someday babes.
Enter my side hustle: photography.

When I focused in on what I really wanted my life to look like, I was able to see so clearly how the little side hustle thing I really enjoyed doing could actually be the thing that allowed me the life I wanted to have. So I dropped out of college and started pursuing the life I knew I wanted.
Disclaimer: This path is not necessarily the best path for everyone. I wouldn’t encourage just anyone to drop out of college and pursue a full time career working for yourself. But sometimes we’re just not made to follow the cookie cutter path of life, and that’s okay! Sometimes we’re meant to break the mold, follow what we know is true of us, go after the things that get us where we want to be in life, and gain the great reward of hard work and pursuing what sets your soul on fire.
In May of 2017 I took the leap of faith and quit the full time job that I really enjoyed, with a consistent income and stability, to invest in my future and pursue what I felt called to. 24 year old Loren was terrified to quit her job and had no idea where this leap of faith would take her.
All she knew was the passion and purpose she felt behind the camera deserved a chance.
And here we are… five years later.

I’m beyond grateful. Overcome with emotion. And honestly, dang proud of that girl for believing in herself and taking a chance to pursue a dream she didn’t even fully realize was so deeply rooted within her. It hasn’t always been easy along the way, but it HAS been rewarding! It isn’t always amazing, but it is always a blessing. I’m the happiest and most fulfilled I’ve ever been! I feel like I am living in the answered prayers I’ve prayed for years while walking in the passion and purpose that was instilled in me when I was just a little girl with a pink Barbie camera.
The Lord has been so good to us through it all! There’s no way I would have made it thus far without him leading and guiding my clumsy steps. His faithfulness and favor over LBP and our lives is the only reason we’re able to celebrate these five years and more!
I also wouldn’t be where I am today without the constant encouragement from friends and family, but especially my husband. David is selflessly & sacrificially just as much a part of this as I am and has been from the very beginning! He’s my biggest supported, encourager, and business partner (even though sometimes begrudgingly) Just last week as we celebrated this milestone, he congratulated me on five great years. I looked at him and said, “Let’s do five more, shall we?” And he agreed. I’m the most grateful to do this with him by my side!

And lastly, of course, YOU! You have helped me get here! I wouldn’t be able to do what I absolutely love and feel called to if it weren’t for you! Thank you for being here. Thank you for believing in and supporting me these five+ years. And thank you for celebrating with me the joy of this so-called “job”!
Here’s to many, many more years!
With love and so much gratitude,
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