When Anna and I first met to get to know each other, we sat at Onyx for nearly THREE HOURS! We had never met, but it somehow felt like we were long distance friends catching up after a few years a part. Our time together was so effortless and fun! I remember leaving the coffee shop and telling David, “I really hope they book us because I feel like we’re already friends!”
These two just radiate JOY!! Anna’s bubbly personality is absolutely contagious while Matthew is so kind and sweet. The way he looks at her when she smiles… My gosh! We ran around Woodward Park in the extreme humidity while the sun played peekaboo through the ominous storm clouds. Anna & Matthew are an absolute delight to be around and so easy to celebrate! I think you’ll probably find yourself smiling as you scroll through just a few of their joy-filled engagement photos 🙂

Can you even imagine how radiant Anna is going to be as a bride!? We cannot wait for their wedding in December!
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