In honor of Valentine’s Day and our 8th dating anniversary on February 18th, I thought it would be fun to share a bit of David and I’s story – something I’ve wanted to do for years! It’s a long story, so I’ll breaking it down into three parts. Continue reading for Part Two!
December, 2015 – Four months after meeting David
One afternoon while decluttering my room, I open a drawer. Looking through the momentos kept away in the drawer, I came across the folded up notebook pages. While unfolding it, I was transported back in time to that moment I had with the Lord on the floor of my bedroom. Still to this day it feels like one of the most intimate moments I’ve had with the Lord. Fondly, I began to read what was written on the pages:
#3 – “Puts others before himself. Is considerate of anyone around him. Helpful to those in need. Sweet enough to seek out ways to serve others, no matter his comfort zone.”
#7 – “Has a sense of humor and enjoys to entertain people and lift them up in laughter. Isn’t afraid to be a little goofy and weird to bring joy to the people around him.”
#11 – “Has a gentle and sensitive side. He takes time to show attention to and interest in things in my life. He’s there to listen, comfort, and encourage.”
#16 – “Bonus points if he is at all musically talented.”
As I read through the pages, it hit me. I knew exactly who the Lord had graciously described to me. With no explanation, I texted photos of the pages to my cousin. Her response, “you know who that is, don’t you?”
I did. It could not be more clear that it was describing David.
I knew in that moment that I was suppose to marry him… but I ignored the truth in order to not jeopardize our friendship. Also, remember, I wasn’t attracted to him in a romantic kind of way ? But I did truly value the friendship we had built.
I honestly struggled with this realization for a few weeks. I was so content in my life and honestly didn’t know if I was ready to be in a serious relationship that I knew would end with us married. It wasn’t until one January morning…
We were texting while I was getting myself ready for the day. I don’t even remember the context of the conversation, but I remember thinking to myself, “this is the kind of guy I would hope that my own daughter would marry some day.” And immediately following that thought, it’s like I slapped myself in the face! If he’s the kind of husband that I would want for my own daughter, why on earth would I not want him as MY husband!?
The logic was there, but the feelings and romantic attraction needed to catch up. I literally prayed:
“Alright God… If I’m suppose to marry this guy, I’m going to need you to build an attraction here, because though I really value him as a friend, I just don’t seem him as more than that.”
David’s next text came through, and whatever he said had me immediately smitten.
His coffee deliveries continued. Our conversations got deeper. The attraction started to grow.
Then it happened… In February, six months after meeting, he told me that he liked me and would like to pursue a relationship with me. He shared things that he admired about me and we talked about our intentions for this relationship – both of us with the goal of marriage in mind. It was in that moment that all hesitancy I felt was replaced with complete peace and pure excitement.
And so, on February 18th, 2016, we began dating.

Our first photo together
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