In honor of Valentine’s Day and our 8th dating anniversary on February 18th, I thought it would be fun to share a bit of David and I’s story – something I’ve wanted to do for years! It’s a long story, so I’ll breaking it down into three parts. Continue reading for Part Three!
David and I had an absolute blast dating for just shy of two years before he popped the question! In that time, I never shared with him fully how the Lord worked in my heart. As you can imagine, he was a little confused as to why he was friend-zoned for months, then all of a sudden I was ready to date him. HA! I just always told him that I would share with him one day, fully intending to share the sixteen descriptions in a detailed letter to him on our wedding day.
In 2017, on Christmas morning, he picked me up to head to his family’s house to celebrate the holiday. We had agreed that year not to get each other anything for Christmas, but to my surprise, when he picked me up he said he had a gift for me he thought I would really like. With my coat on and Christmas treats in hand, he paused and grabbed my hand. I was confused as to why he wasn’t ready to head out the door, but he started talking with a quiver in his voice. I was so thrown off that I blacked out mentally and really don’t remember anything he said! Apparently he said some sweet things then made a joke about “what better gift than me for the rest of your life” ? All I remember him saying was,
“Loren Ashley King, will you marry me?”
In complete shock, I screamed “YES!” then slapped him on the arm! He slid the ring on my finger, and all the questions started flooding into my brain!
“Did you talk to me dad??”
“When did you get a ring??”
“Wait, how did you know my ring size??”
“Who all knows you were doing this today??”

He answered all my questions as we drove to Fort Smith for Christmas. It was the sweetest drive. Him playing with my new ring as we held hands, talking through the details. The many Facetimes and text messages sharing with family and friends. Then greeted with excitement and hugs from my future family. My favorite Christmas to date!

We were engaged for nine months before saying “I Do” on September 1, 2018. We started our wedding day together at Onyx before separating until the ceremony. We spent the day with our closest friends and family and had the sweetest celebration. We ended the evening with David reading the five page letter I had written him explaining everything – from that intimate moment I had with the Lord many years prior, to the change of heart I had towards him, and everything in between!

Eight years together.
I get emotional thinking back. God’s faithful, providing, loving hand has always been in every aspect of my life. But I see it so evidently in our story.
The way He worked in my heart to unapologetically pursue Jesus, completely content and surrendered to Him.
That intimate moment, where the Lord so tenderly and graciously whispered into my heart, “you will marry someone one day, and this is who he is.”
How He brought our mutual friends into my life at just the right time, and gave me a community of people I needed in my life.
The fact that my, unknowingly future husband, would bring me coffee in an Onyx’ cup that said the exact thing I had prayed the Lord would not let me do – “Never Settle For Good Enough.”
The descriptions, that even now as I read over them, I get teary at how perfectly they describe David.
The timing – Had David shared with me his desire to be in a relationship any earlier than he did (like he wanted to on multiple occasions, but never did), our story would likely be very different.
He has been in every little piece of it.

David continues to be the man described to me over a decade ago. Our friendship continues to be one I love and value most. Our life together continues to be my favorite thing. Onyx continues to be our coffee of choice. Our marriage and story continues to be a reminder of our God’s goodness and faithfulness.

Thank you, Jesus!
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